by Podbean | Jun 25, 2021 | Uncategorized
You hear about “rebalancing” often. What is it in fact? What is the purpose of rebalancing? How should you do it? Hear some answers here. I also am excited to announce my upcoming virtual Financial Workshop on Sept 17th, 2021. The first one (June 4th...
by Podbean | May 22, 2021 | Uncategorized
At some point in our life, we will be purchasing life insurance. When that time comes, hopefully our broker will educate us on how they help us determine how much life insurance is needed. To answer this simple questions, it could become quite complicated. Here is an...
by Podbean | May 8, 2021 | Uncategorized
Let’s start with the premise that we all want to help people – the reason why we decided to go into medicine or nursing. We are all good people. We want to do good for people and our community. Then why did we end up with a College complaint? Are we bad...
by Podbean | Apr 25, 2021 | Uncategorized
I made a lot of financial mistakes in my time and it is the main reason I decided to learn all that I can learn about personal finance. It is the main driver for me launching this podcast back in April 2020. But one mistake I regret the most is the setting up of the...
by Podbean | Apr 17, 2021 | Uncategorized
I am sure you have asked this question before: Should I incorporate? A question that have been asked by HCPs since 2009. Well, now, Cherry Chan CPA will answer this questions for you. If you do not listen to this episode, your wallet will resent you for a long long...
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